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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Week Number Two

The second week on the river for us fishers was a frustrating one. This past week we fished the Rocky River. Due to all the rain the flow of the river was 4-500% higher than we would like it to be for optimal fishing. Due to runoff from the rain the river was very murky and visibility was incredibly low. We did not catch anything this week but we are hoping with are switch to the Grand we will catch more, hopefully this darn rain will go away and give us a fair chance to catch some. We learned a lot from are trip to the Orvis shop. Not only did we get our blog on their board but manager Jim Lampros informed us on a very useful site to check water flow which we have been checking every morning before we go out. He also informed us on a few good fishing techniques. We also learned some good tips in our meeting with our sponsor Brian Fowler. He informed how leaves in the river affect Ph levels and cause the fish to not want to bite. Great more things keeping the fish away! Wish us fishers luck as we head off to the Grand so we can bring home some big ones!!!

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