Conneaut Creek

Conneaut Creek
It's going to be a good week

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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Week 3 on the Grand

Well it was another rough week for the fishing crew. The fish have defeated us but were not giving up just yet! This week we fished the Grand River, which was flowing unbelievably fast from stormy nights, which also cause the water to become very murky. Due to these conditions those darn fish wont bite onto our lures but we have a few ideas to get em next week. Although we didn’t catch any fish we got the opportunity to bring are overseer, a darn good fisherman himself, Jack Breisch to join us on the river one day. He couldn’t come out for very long but the fishing wasn’t great and it was nice to have him out. As we posted below we did get the ever so awesome opportunity to go canoeing and kayaking with our overseer Brian Fowler where we saw some awesome Bald Eagles swooping throughout the Grand. Next week we head out to Conneaut Creek and with the weather looking nice and some new lures we have high hopes and expectations! Wish us luck and hope Mother Nature is nice to us.

-Happy Fishing

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