Conneaut Creek

Conneaut Creek
It's going to be a good week

Grand River

Grand River
A murky day leads into murky week

Rocky River

Rocky River
A cool breeze but a beautiful day

Chagrin River

Chagrin River
A beautiful first day

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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Last day of Conneaut

Our last day out east was remarkable. It was another beautiful day and filled with many fish in the pond but of course, none in the river! We have only two days next week and are looking to make the most of them by hitting two ponds and catching many fish. Wish us luck

-Happy Fishing

P.S. -Hit a pond or lake ASAP. It's incredible fishing

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Dinner has arrived!

Trout Pond- Fisherman 3- Fish 1. For the fourth day in a row we traveled out to Conneaut Creek to catch some fish. The river was again very difficult to fish in however in the pond we had great success. Kent's off and running, today he caught a couple Blue Gill and a few Steelhead. Pat and Teddy continue to catch fish reeling in some Blue Gill and Steelhead along with Kent. We used night-crawlers today and they seemed to work really well especially early in the morning when they first come out to bite. Unfortunately one fish Pat hooked didn't make it out alive. The hook had gone down so far into its mouth it was unable to be taken out and the fish died...but we gutted it and now were gonna filet the fish and eat it! The success we have been having lately has really boosted our moral and we continue to want to stay on the rivers and ponds all day! Keep reading for more updates and go out in this beautiful weather and catch some fish!

-Happy Fishing

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


KENT CAUGHT A BLUE GILL. IT WAS A GREAT DAY. Sorry for the lateness of the post but we just returned from a lacrosse game. Today was beautiful. We hit the river early on then the pond in the afternoon. No luck on the river as usual. Just a great day to be healthy and able to do things like fish. Teddy caught a small large mouth bass as well. Fun day and it has just been the best experience of our lives.

-Happy Fishing

P.S. - If you want to catch some fish, hit your local pond or lake. Rivers are growing more and more difficult with the warmth...

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Conneaut Creek Club

Today we visited the Conneaut Creek Club and had a very interesting and eventful day. On the way out the dirt roads were a bit rough on the ole Jeep. Ended up getting a flat and changing it which cut into our fishing a small bit. We fished the river for some time and river quality is becoming quite incredible. As we hit the river for some time we didn't have any luck but after lunch we hit the pond. Pat caught two Steelhead after about an hour of fishing. He was using a DareDevil spoon and a spinning rod. It seemed Kent and Teddy did all the work and Pat got lucky. We will do the same routine tomorrow. We can't wait. It was a gorgeous day out there and we're looking forward to the same.

-Happy Fishing

Week 3 on the Grand

Well it was another rough week for the fishing crew. The fish have defeated us but were not giving up just yet! This week we fished the Grand River, which was flowing unbelievably fast from stormy nights, which also cause the water to become very murky. Due to these conditions those darn fish wont bite onto our lures but we have a few ideas to get em next week. Although we didn’t catch any fish we got the opportunity to bring are overseer, a darn good fisherman himself, Jack Breisch to join us on the river one day. He couldn’t come out for very long but the fishing wasn’t great and it was nice to have him out. As we posted below we did get the ever so awesome opportunity to go canoeing and kayaking with our overseer Brian Fowler where we saw some awesome Bald Eagles swooping throughout the Grand. Next week we head out to Conneaut Creek and with the weather looking nice and some new lures we have high hopes and expectations! Wish us luck and hope Mother Nature is nice to us.

-Happy Fishing

Friday, May 21, 2010

Kayak and Canoe to start the morning

We spent the fourth day of the Grand in Kayaks all morning! We met up with our sponsor and were able to hop on a couple kayaks and a canoe and we went down the river all morning. The water was still a unclear but man was the morning fun! We were able to throw the rods off the boats and drift down the river. While rowing we saw SIX bald eagles! It was really quite a site to see. They are beautiful animals and really neat to see in this area right out in the wild! After some lunch and a little break we were able to continue our fishing for the rest of the afternoon. No luck again but the water is still coming down. Next week should be excellent! Friday is the last day at the Grand, we're hopeful.

-Happy Fishing

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

We set out the day with an optimistic attitude despite our recent lack of success. It was a gorgeous day however, early on we learned our hopes weren't going to become reality. As Pat entered the water to fly fish he took a step into water which was deeper than he thought and he fell in! The horrible visibility didn't help his chances of staying dry. Although hilarious this embodied the days fishing experience. The river's flow was twice as fast as we would have liked and the fish evaded us once again. Wish us luck tomorrow with the sun coming out and the rain staying away for a few days we could have bites!

-Happy Fishing

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Grand Day Two

It's ironic we have possibly one of the best projects some group of seniors has ever come up with, but we cannot utilize it because of the weather. Today was a sad day yet again. We hit the river but it was flowing much too fast. Just over 1000 the flowchart reads. It's another frustrating week. Today we came home a bit earlier, began to tie some flies, updated the blog, and hoped for better weather. We are reporting to school at 2:30 for Mid-project discussions. It's too bad the poor water qualities leave us with little to talk about. We are considering hitting a few lakes in the area to start catching some fish! We'll keep you posted.

-Happy Fishing

Week Number Two

The second week on the river for us fishers was a frustrating one. This past week we fished the Rocky River. Due to all the rain the flow of the river was 4-500% higher than we would like it to be for optimal fishing. Due to runoff from the rain the river was very murky and visibility was incredibly low. We did not catch anything this week but we are hoping with are switch to the Grand we will catch more, hopefully this darn rain will go away and give us a fair chance to catch some. We learned a lot from are trip to the Orvis shop. Not only did we get our blog on their board but manager Jim Lampros informed us on a very useful site to check water flow which we have been checking every morning before we go out. He also informed us on a few good fishing techniques. We also learned some good tips in our meeting with our sponsor Brian Fowler. He informed how leaves in the river affect Ph levels and cause the fish to not want to bite. Great more things keeping the fish away! Wish us fishers luck as we head off to the Grand so we can bring home some big ones!!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Grand River

Can you believe it? Another day of rain makes for terrible fishing. The flowcharts report that the river is running well over 1000cfs. Hopefully it calms down this week. The water was visible at only 7 inches! Fish can bite lures if they cannot see them. Looks like it might be a another slow week...:(

-Happy Fishing

Last of the Rockies

Rocky River was a rough week. Tons of rain and didn't even spot a fish. It really is a beautiful area to fish just not the right time of year. We're on the Grand for the third week and its looking like the Sun gods are going to be a bit shy...

-Happy Fishing

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Rocky Rocky

Second last day on the river was another sad one. Lots of rain=poor fishing. Met With Mr. Fowler and got excited about the Grand for next week. We might be able to get on some Kayaks and float down stream as we fish. Hopefully we can get a few next week. Sunday we're heading out to the Rocky for one last day. Wish us luck.

-Happy Fishing

Friday, May 14, 2010

Site Visit?

Hey FisherGuys...When can I come visit you "on site"? Where will you be next week? I could join you for an hour or so beginning about 1:30 on any afternoon except Thursday. Let me know, and I hope you are meeting with your sponsor today after missing the first meeting last Friday.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

No luck at the river but some in the city!

We went to the river this morning and it is flowing much to fast, dangerously fast, visibility is getting lower and the most instantaneous value for the flow charts is well over a 1000 cfs. The water seems healthy but the fish are still hiding and staying away from our lures. We cant wait for the rain to stop so we can get out there and catch those fish!! We went to the Orvis shop today and spoke with manager Jim Lampros a very nice guy. Jim was enthusiastic about our project and said he would help publicize our blog.

-Happy Fishing

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Let me know the minute you spot a steelhead....!

Rain, rain go away...

We went down to the Rocky River again today. Down near the airport this time further north of Monday's location. Boy, was the river up. The storms from last night ended up making the water even more murky and faster flowing. Visibility was about 12 inches, very poor. We through the rods a few times but thought the water was too dangerous to be sitting in and figured the day would be better spent for publicity. We went to the Orvis shop and Northface shop to help spread our blog and they seem very interested but will get back to us. Hopefully we get to the fish in the latter part of the week. We also decided to tie some flies in the time off. We're getting better but not a terrible start. Pictures to come soon.

-Happy fishing

Monday, May 10, 2010

Tuesday, May 11

Advanced Placement tests are going to be in the way of a day of fishing tomorrow. If only the Environmental Science Test graders could see the work we are doing... We will fish Saturday or Sunday to make up for tomorrow.

-Happy Testing:(

P.S. - We've had requests for our data to be uploaded to the website and we are doing the best we can. We have all of it in an 'Excel Speadsheet' but we can't seem to get it on the blog. Any suggestions please feel free to help. If you'd like to see them shoot us your email and we can help you out as well...

Week Two: Day One-Rocky River

Mondays do not seem to be getting easier. With this past weekend's tremendous thunderstorms the river is still blown out. We went down near the airport at Grayton and Puritas Roads. The park was beautiful but the air was a bit chilly. The water was so murky it almost felt dirty. Water testings were right in the range of average, but visibility shot way down to 16 inches. Tomorrow is expecting rain so we think it may be a coming week. The Trout are almost completely gone this far south in the river. We expect to catch up to them later in the week. The small mouth are coming into the streams now and we should be catching more and more of them as long as the weather participates...

-Best of Luck and Happy Fishing

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Thunderstorms and rain...

Last night brought much rain through the rivers. The river is blown out and too dangerous to fish today. There was a police officer at the entrance of Daniel's Pack this morning marking off the river access. No fish for today...

-Happy Fishing

One fish, Two Fish, Kent get, No fish.

Yesterday was a beautiful third day on the river. We remained on the Chagrin for the third day down off River road near the large pavilion and sledding hill. The river was full of tons of wildlife, ranging from frogs, turtles, snakes, and even fish! We caught two small mouth bass. One was caught using a spinning rod and a little spinner. The other was caught on a fly rod, with a suckerspawn. The water quality was excellent and visibility in the water increased several inches. The pH level seems to be getting slightly better as we move up the river and resulted in two small, small mouths. The water flow was wonderful and the water continued to get warmer throughout the day. About four or five large Steelhead swam right beside our waders while in the water. Tried to hook them but no luck. They were very uninterested and swam quickly away. They seemed to be headed north toward the lake and it seems to be the end of the season. The bass are flourishing now and growing. (hopefully) We look forward to the last couple days on the Chagrin. Hopefully we can catch up the the Steelhead on their way out.

-Happy Fishing

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Day Uno. Chagrin River

We begun our fishing activities yesterday morning. The day was beautiful and the river was even prettier. We traveled down into Gates Mills near River Rd, and Wilson Mills at the North Chagrin Reservation hoping to catch some fish. After last week's rain and cold front we expected another run of steelhead (perhaps one of the last) to come through the Chagrin. But due to the weekend's rain the river seems to be still blown out. The river was a good temperature at 18.6 degrees Celsius, which is about 65 degrees Fahrenheit. The pH level was at a steady 7.6, which is perfectly in the normal range for a freshwater stream. We saw 3 Steelhead swimming among the large boulders in the water. They were quite small (around 6 to 8 inches) maybe in their first or second season. No fish caught though:( The weather is looking okay this week. Showers on Wednesday which, hopefully will not impede our progress too much. We will keep everyone posted throughout the week. Hopefully we'll start hookin' 'em.

-Happy Fishing