Conneaut Creek

Conneaut Creek
It's going to be a good week

Grand River

Grand River
A murky day leads into murky week

Rocky River

Rocky River
A cool breeze but a beautiful day

Chagrin River

Chagrin River
A beautiful first day

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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Last days

It was a busy last weekend and few days. We made the haul up to Michigan's Upper Peninsula, we able to catch some Northern Pike, a catfish, carp, rock bass, and blue gill. It was a fun trip and a nice add on to the month of May. Tuesday we spent out at Rock Creek Lake with a friend that lives there. We were able to spend all day fishing for bass, but like usual we were not very lucky. We caught three largemouth bass. Our host said on a given day they usually catch 15 to 20. I guess we are just unlucky:( But, any day fishing is better than any day in the office ( or classroom in our case.) Today we went out to the Chagrin for one last hoorah. But due to the weekend's rain and today's little storm, what do you know? we didn't catch a thing. Project was a blast and maybe someone can continue our legacy with some better luck next year

-Happy Fishing. Best of Luck

Teddy, Pat, Kent

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Last day of Conneaut

Our last day out east was remarkable. It was another beautiful day and filled with many fish in the pond but of course, none in the river! We have only two days next week and are looking to make the most of them by hitting two ponds and catching many fish. Wish us luck

-Happy Fishing

P.S. -Hit a pond or lake ASAP. It's incredible fishing

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Dinner has arrived!

Trout Pond- Fisherman 3- Fish 1. For the fourth day in a row we traveled out to Conneaut Creek to catch some fish. The river was again very difficult to fish in however in the pond we had great success. Kent's off and running, today he caught a couple Blue Gill and a few Steelhead. Pat and Teddy continue to catch fish reeling in some Blue Gill and Steelhead along with Kent. We used night-crawlers today and they seemed to work really well especially early in the morning when they first come out to bite. Unfortunately one fish Pat hooked didn't make it out alive. The hook had gone down so far into its mouth it was unable to be taken out and the fish died...but we gutted it and now were gonna filet the fish and eat it! The success we have been having lately has really boosted our moral and we continue to want to stay on the rivers and ponds all day! Keep reading for more updates and go out in this beautiful weather and catch some fish!

-Happy Fishing

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


KENT CAUGHT A BLUE GILL. IT WAS A GREAT DAY. Sorry for the lateness of the post but we just returned from a lacrosse game. Today was beautiful. We hit the river early on then the pond in the afternoon. No luck on the river as usual. Just a great day to be healthy and able to do things like fish. Teddy caught a small large mouth bass as well. Fun day and it has just been the best experience of our lives.

-Happy Fishing

P.S. - If you want to catch some fish, hit your local pond or lake. Rivers are growing more and more difficult with the warmth...

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Conneaut Creek Club

Today we visited the Conneaut Creek Club and had a very interesting and eventful day. On the way out the dirt roads were a bit rough on the ole Jeep. Ended up getting a flat and changing it which cut into our fishing a small bit. We fished the river for some time and river quality is becoming quite incredible. As we hit the river for some time we didn't have any luck but after lunch we hit the pond. Pat caught two Steelhead after about an hour of fishing. He was using a DareDevil spoon and a spinning rod. It seemed Kent and Teddy did all the work and Pat got lucky. We will do the same routine tomorrow. We can't wait. It was a gorgeous day out there and we're looking forward to the same.

-Happy Fishing

Week 3 on the Grand

Well it was another rough week for the fishing crew. The fish have defeated us but were not giving up just yet! This week we fished the Grand River, which was flowing unbelievably fast from stormy nights, which also cause the water to become very murky. Due to these conditions those darn fish wont bite onto our lures but we have a few ideas to get em next week. Although we didn’t catch any fish we got the opportunity to bring are overseer, a darn good fisherman himself, Jack Breisch to join us on the river one day. He couldn’t come out for very long but the fishing wasn’t great and it was nice to have him out. As we posted below we did get the ever so awesome opportunity to go canoeing and kayaking with our overseer Brian Fowler where we saw some awesome Bald Eagles swooping throughout the Grand. Next week we head out to Conneaut Creek and with the weather looking nice and some new lures we have high hopes and expectations! Wish us luck and hope Mother Nature is nice to us.

-Happy Fishing

Friday, May 21, 2010

Kayak and Canoe to start the morning

We spent the fourth day of the Grand in Kayaks all morning! We met up with our sponsor and were able to hop on a couple kayaks and a canoe and we went down the river all morning. The water was still a unclear but man was the morning fun! We were able to throw the rods off the boats and drift down the river. While rowing we saw SIX bald eagles! It was really quite a site to see. They are beautiful animals and really neat to see in this area right out in the wild! After some lunch and a little break we were able to continue our fishing for the rest of the afternoon. No luck again but the water is still coming down. Next week should be excellent! Friday is the last day at the Grand, we're hopeful.

-Happy Fishing